BKT… sailing before the wind! 1

BKT… sailing before the wind!

Temps de lecture (minutes)2

BKT is proud of sponsoring the crew of the sailing boat BKT Jamhu, our fantastic 40-foot-long yacht sailing the seas adorned with the BKT logo and a BKT tire on its enormous sails.

Welcome back, dear friends! We have greatly enjoyed putting ourselves to the test by facing new challenges ever since in order to feel the thrill of competition at first hand. This time, however, we have excelled ourselves!

You see, it doesn’t happen every day that you can sail alongside true champions in a fleet of over 100 high-tech boats in the midst the Australian Seas.

You must be wondering what we are talking about … probably you didn’t know that in cooperation with our Australian distributor Tradefaire International, we from BKT are particularly proud of sponsoring the crew of a sailing boat. Cool, isn’t it! BKT Jamhu is the name of our fantastic 40-foot-long yacht sailing the seas of the Southern Hemisphere adorned with the BKT logo and a BKT tire on its enormous sails.

Made of carbon fiber and equipped with the finest instruments available, BKT Jamhu has been designed for giving its best in the most demanding regattas and for successfully sailing the world’s most beautiful seas. The skipper is Phil Bedlington, an honored member of the Royal Brighton Yacht club (RBYC) in Victoria. He has always been enthusiastic of leading our Yacht’s sailing team. Over the years he has spent on board of BKT Jamhu, he has recognized the greatness of the BKT spinnaker. In more than one occasion, he has actually placed emphasis on how essential our company has been for the team’s success, expressing his thanks for the amazing support in addition to the attention and passion we put into our initiatives and sponsorships.

BKT Jamhu has recently done its best taking part in well two races around Melbourne at the end of December.

Cock Of The Bay

The thrill of the race started with the “Cock Of The Bay”, the renowned regatta on Port Phillip Bay, which is held every year on Boxing Day (December, 26).

The race starts close to Port Melbourne with a course following alongside the coast for 34 sea miles and concludes at Blairgowrie, where the participants cross the line. They can then gather new strengths thanks to excellent refreshments. But that’s not the end of the BKT Jamhu racing story!

The Rudder Cup

The day after, our team was already ready for a new challenge on the open sea. We are talking about “The Rudder Cup”, the oldest Ocean regatta in Australia and the fifth oldest worldwide.

It was indeed in 1907, when Thomas Fleming Day, the director of the American magazine “Rudder”, wrote to the Commodore of the Geelong Yacht Club, T.A. Dickson, proposing the idea of organizing a regatta across the Bass Strait to Tasmania. More than 100 years later, the story goes on - thanks to the numerous participants willing to follow his course and trying to land as first.

The regatta was raced over a distance of not less than 194 sea miles starting from Portsea with destination Devenport, where the Mersey Yacht Club was so kind to offer hospitality to the fleet.

A really amazing and adventurous end of the year for BKT Jamhu. And for us from BKT, it meant a flood of emotions and a surge of pure adrenalin! Just great, isn’t it?

Find out more on the BKT website!

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